There are two options for you to view your GP medical records but the quickest and easiest way is to sign-up for either the NHS App or SystmOnline where you can view and print your GP medical records at any time as often as you like.
You can also request, in writing, a copy of your medical records (free of charge). Please bare in mind the cost and time it takes to produce copies of medical records compared with the online option. Please use your NHS resources wisely.
If you wish to have access to other people’s records we will need:
- Wherever practicable, written consent from the person whose records you want. We will check with the individual whether the request is legitimate and the reason why you are requesting them instead of themselves.
- Where you have parental responsibility for a child under the age of 16 and does not have the capacity to provide consent for themselves. Please note, we cannot provide online access to children’s medical records as capacity to consent changes over time for each child individually.
- Where you have a lasting power of attorney for welfare or a court of protection order for welfare for an individual who lacks capacity to provide consent for themselves and the request for the records is legitimate.
If you’re requesting access to records of a deceased person, please contact Primary Care Services England as they are the data controllers for GP records of deceased patients.