Infection Control Statement
In line with the Health and Social Care Act 2008: Code of practice on prevention and control of infection and its related guidance, this Annual Statement will be generated each year. It will summarise:
- Any infection transmission incidents and any lessons learnt and action taken
- Details of any infection prevention and control (IPC) audits undertaken and any subsequent actions taken arising from these audits
- Details of any issues that may challenge infection prevention and control including risk assessment undertaken and subsequent actions implemented as a result
- Details of staff IPC training
- Details of review and update of IPC policies, procedures and guidance
The Infection Control Lead is Practice Nurse, Joanne Ambler. Joanne will liaise with the Practice Manager to enable the integration of Infection Control principles and consequent policies into standards of care within the practice based on good practice.
They will be the first point of contact for practice staff in respect of Infection Control issues. They will help create and maintain an environment which will ensure the safety of staff and patients by carrying out the following:
- Increase awareness of Infection Control issues amongst staff and clients
- Help motivate colleagues to improve practice
- Improve local implementation of Infection Control policies
- Ensure that practice based Infection Control audits are undertaken
- Assist in the education of colleagues
- Help identify any Infection Control problems within the practice and work to resolve these, where necessary in conjunction with the local Infection Control Team
- Act as a role model within the practice
- Disseminate key Infection Control messages to their colleagues within the practice
All significant events regarding infection control issues are reported in the annual audit
A self-assessment audit is carried out each year in conjunction with the local authority. The scoring system is:
- 80% or below (Red)
- 81–89% (Amber)
- 90% or above (Green)
Where necessary, an action plan will be agreed. See our IPC Audit page for more detailed information about the recent annual audit.
IPC is everyone’s responsibility and as such new staff to the Practice undertake IPC training as part of their induction. Training is provided annually to all staff from the following sources:
- Centrally via the CCG
- On line learning via e-lfh website
- In house updates at monthly team meetings
Our infection control policies and procedures are reviewed annually and update accordingly. These are made available for all staff as a hard copy in the treatment room and also available online via the shared drive or via internet at