Patient Charter

In order to be provided with Primary Medical Services, patients are expected to act in a manner that does not represent a threat to GPs, including their Practice staff, other patients and property.  This document sets out the type of conduct that is expected of all patients registered with a General Practice.  Patients are expected to behave in the following manner:

  • To be polite and respectful towards all individuals and property
  • Do not make threatening remarks to staff or patients at the practice
  • To request urgent appointments only for genuine urgent conditions
  • Attend surgery, when physically able to do so, rather than requesting a home visit
  • Attend all appointments and on time
  • Cancel any booked appointments that are no longer required
  • Engage with the appropriate clinician for disease management e.g. diabetes, asthma, COPD and raised blood pressure
  • Request repeat prescriptions in good time, ensuring that all items are ordered together rather than in individual lots
  • Respect surgery premises and property
  • Use the doctors time in an appropriate manner, e.g. do not attend surgery for minor ailments that can be self-treated, for example coughs, colds and minor aches and pains

If patients fail to comply with the above conditions, despite attempts by the surgery to engage with them and, if after a final written warning about their behaviour they continue to not comply, the surgery may deem this to be an irrevocable break down in practice / patient relations and may request that they are removed from the patient list.