Patient Participation Group (PPG)

The PPG meets monthly to discuss and support practice issues and developments.  It acts as a channel of communication between the practice and patients, and aims to help to improve services and the quality of care.  

The PPG welcomes the views of all patients, and within the limitation of the numbers of members as per the constitution, is currently seeking new members to attend the meetings to bring along their point of view on the practice.  If you are interested in joining the group, then please click here to download the application form.  Please hand this to reception when complete.  Please see the latest minutes below for date of next meeting.

Constitution of the Group

Constitution dated 2nd May 2018

Minutes of Meetings

2023/242022/232021/222020/21     2019/20
PPG Meeting 050423PPG Meeting 040522PPG Meeting 010921PPG Meeting 181120PPG Meeting 030419
PPG Meeting 280623PPG Meeting 060722PPG Meeting 031121PPG Meeting 161220PPG Meeting 010519
PPG-Meeting-230823PPG Meeting 070922PPG Meeting 020222PPG Meeting 050619
PPG Meeting 011123PPG Meeting 071222PPG Meeting 020322PPG Meeting 030719
PPG Meeting 070224PPG Meeting 220223PPG Meeting 070819
PPG Meeting 060324PPG Meeting 040919
PPG Meeting 170724PPG Meeting 021019
PPG Meeting 061119
PPG Meeting 041219
PPG Meeting 080120
PPG Meeting 050220
PPG Meeting 040320

To view minutes from previous years, please click here.